Star Edwards, MS, RDN/LD


Welcome to Rock It, where I help you rock your nutrition goals! Let me introduce myself. I am a Registered Dietitian certified in Integrative & Functional Medical Nutrition Therapy. As a teenager, I became intrigued by culinary nutrition trends like “mushroom tea.” I ran across a nutrition course in college and jumped in, interested to know if these trends were helpful, or hype. Most importantly, I craved the knowledge because I wanted to teach others how to properly fuel their bodies through clear nutrition information they could trust.

After earning my Masters Degree in Nutrition from Oklahoma State University in 2009, I began helping others overcome their nutrition obstacles, meet their goals, and feel better about how they fuel their bodies. Since then I have worked in a variety of settings, but my expertise has always been creating tools, information, and education to help nutrition “click” for clients. I love that nutrition is an ever-evolving field, and staying on top of the most cutting edge science gives me a daily challenge.

In 2010, my 11-month old son had an anaphylactic reaction to eggs and later tested allergic to six of the top eight allergens. Later, my second son developed an allergy to wheat and I quickly discovered that many of the health ailments I was dealing with were due to gluten. Through these experiences, I quickly learned how to eliminate our allergens from our home, while being able to stray away from our safe pantry into restaurants, road trips, and family gatherings and feel like we were enjoying our food as much as everyone else. I used these experiences and my knowledge as a dietitian and began teaching others how to thrive on special diets. 

I have worked with a broad range of demographics and industries including:

  • Non-profits
  • Commercial
  • Food and beverage
  • Functional medicine laboratory testing
  • Medical
  • Education

A few of my experiences include:

  • Owning a nutrition and fitness facility
  • Helping existing businesses incorporate healthy food options into their menus
  • Serving in functional laboratory testing sales and consulting
  • Nutrition supplement sales
  • Training and educating staff
  • Teaching adult and child nutrition classes
  • Coaching clients one-on-one
  • Serving as a contributing author, freelance writer, and website content developer

No matter the client or setting, I deliver clear solutions to common health blocks that are sustainable, easy, and fun to follow.

Contact Star [email protected] or 918-212-4619 to learn more about how she can help you meet your goals.

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